Friday, May 8, 2009

Chaos: Making A New Science cont'd....

Chapter 7: The Experimenter

D'Arcy Thompson's thoughts on physical cause in shaping nature is interesting. Neat to see Libchaber discover a real life example proving Feigenbaum's universality constant. Are there other more simple experiments that prove this now?

Chapter 8: Images of Chaos

Why The Mandlebrot set, why does Z-> Z^2 + C produce the most complex object we've ever seen? What other effects can iterating a function have? What has the Mandlebrot set done for science so far (besides confuse us)? The chaos game and collage theorem seem very simple but quite interesting, I should try it out some time.

Chapter 9: The Dynamical Systems Collective

Lyapunov exponents and more bending/folding phase space confused me some. Dripping faucet example clearly shows how chaos is everywhere and can be simple to understand.

Chapter 10: Inner Rhythms

Huberman's vision test on schizophrenia is interesting because in The Colour of Infinity they mention how they believe our vision is somehow fractal related. Biological clocks are also quite an interesting topic.

Chapter 11: Chaos and Beyond

Interesting to talk about as something as simple as a snow flake to be so very complex. This chapter only this with the entire book shows how there is a new science out there and it applies to all feilds.

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